Guys if you are interested in predicting EPL scores every week please join this prediction game. I have setup a FR League and the details are as follows: Come play English Premier League Predictor with me on Superbru! It's free and loads of fun. Just click here: Pool name: FR EPL SCORE PREDICTOR Pool code: palstone
@Mayavi 369 @David Nainan @eazy04 @Mark Twain @Aattiprackel Jimmy @SUPERKING @KRRISH2255 @babichan @chumma @Joker @AUSTIN 3:16 @LALIKKA @Red Power @VivekNambalatt @David Nainan @Thampuran Kanimangalam @solomon joseph @ACME @Anoop TP @VamBan
bhai plz go to this site and register your account... Then Join our FR Pool / League with the following details: Pool name: FR EPL SCORE PREDICTOR Pool code: palstone