#SimtaangaranHits500KLikes in 25Hrs 45Mins 25K-3Mins 50K-8m 50K-14m 100K-20m 125K-26m 150K-34m 175-43m 200K-54m 225K-68m 250K-85m 275K-107m 300K-134m 350K-221m 400K-390m 450K-1035m 500K-1545m@SarkarMovieOffl #Sarkar PARTY WITH SIMTAANGARAN https://t.co/LuTAZyb6dp
Only Lyric Video To Hit Fastest 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M and Now 6M Views...! Fastest 100K 200K 300K 400K And in Few Mins 500K..! King Of YT Records PARTY WITH SIMTAANGARAN