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Public Service Commission

Discussion in 'MTownHub' started by KHILADI, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. Mayavi 369

    Mayavi 369 Sachin My God Super Mod

    Dec 2, 2015
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    Oppertunities Putiyathonnumille :Biggrin:

    KHILADI Super Star

    Dec 1, 2015
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    avide madutho:angel2:

    KHILADI Super Star

    Dec 1, 2015
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    NATIONAL THERMAL POWER CORPORATION Recruitment 2016 – 284 TRAINEE (Overall) Vacancy Across India – 34,500 Salary

    National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) has issued a recruitment notification for the recruitment of Diploma Trainees through recruitment notification. Candidates who have completed Diploma can apply for the new recruitment notification from National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC).
    Company Name : National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC)
    Vacancy Name
    : Diploma Trainees
    Educational Qualification
    : Diploma
    Total No of Vacancy
    : 235 Post
    : Rs. 15,500-34,500/- p.m
    Job Location
    : Across India
    Last Date to Apply for this job
    : 23rd December 2015
    Address for the Job Vacancy
    : National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) ,Across India

    Detail of National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) Diploma Trainees Recruitment:
    A profession notice has been uncovered as NTPC Recruitment 2016 for the arrangement of skilled candidates for filling up 235 vacancies against Diploma Trainees. Candidates who wish to apply against NTPC employments may submit their Bio-Data according to the Performa on or before the last date.
    1. Organization Name: National Thermal Power Corporation Limited
    2. No. of Vacancies: 235
    3. Post Name: Diploma Trainees
    4. Qualification Details: Applicants who have done Full time regular Diploma in relative stream with minimum 70% marks can apply for NTPC recruitment process.
    5. Age Criteria: Candidates age should not more than 25 years (35 years for Land Oustees) as on 23-12-2015. Age relaxations are applicable as per govt.
    6. Application Fee: Candidates belonging to General and OBC categories they need to pay Rs. 300/- as the registration fee through State Bank of India in Account No.30987919993 at CAG branch (Branch Code: 09996), New Delhi, on behalf of NTPC and the candidates of reserved categories they don’t need to pay any registration fee.
    7. Pay Scale: The designated candidates will get Rs. 15500-34500/- in w7 grade pay.
    8. Discipline Locations
      Patna Hyderabad Mumbai Raipur
      Electrical 12 15 09 22 09
      Mechanical 20 19 15 36 13
      Civil 08 05 – – 05
      C & I 08 09 06 14 10
      Total 48 48 30 72 37

    Selection Procedure for National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) – Diploma Trainees Post:
    1. Candidates can apply on or before 23rd December 2015.
    2. The appliers will be screened through written test followed by interview and medical test.

    How to apply for Diploma Trainees Vacancy in National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) :
    1. Contenders, who are going to apply against this recruitment they need to visit the official website that is www.ntpc.co.in.
    2. Then candidates have to press on the Careers section that is visible on the top right corner of the home page.
    3. A new page will be opened having career section applicants have to hit on the ‘Jobs at NTPC’ link.
    4. On the notices section appliers have to press on the appropriate link of “NTPC Ltd is looking for Engineering Executive Trainees in Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics, Instrumentation, Civil and Computer Science & Information Technology for its Projects/Stations through GATE 2016”.
    5. Now aspirants need to hit on the relevant link of the post which you want to apply for.
    6. Now fill the application form with required details. Candidates must fill all mandatory information at the time of registration.
    7. After filling the application form and uploading your scanned passport size photograph you need to hit on submit button and take a print out of your submitted application form for further reference.


    KHILADI Super Star

    Dec 1, 2015
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    RBI Recruitment Notification 2016 – EXECUTIVE OFFICER & RESEARCH OFFICER (Overall) Vacancy – Just Now Updated – 60,770 Salary

    Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued a recruitment notification for the recruitment of Research Positions in Grade-B through recruitment notification – Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Recruitment 2015 – ADVT. NO. 4A /2015-16. Candidates who have completed Ph.D can apply for the new recruitment notification from Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

    Company Name : Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
    Vacancy Name : Research Positions in Grade-B
    Educational Qualification : M.Phil/Ph.d
    Total No of Vacancy : 04 Post
    Salary : Rs.60,770 /- p.m
    Job Location : Mumbai
    Last Date to Apply for this job : 25/12/2015
    Address for the Job Vacancy : The General Manager, Reserve Bank of India Services Board, Third Floor, RBI Building, Opp. Mumbai Central Railway Station, Byculla, Mumbai – 400008

    Detail of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Research Positions in Grade-B Recruitment:
    Post No of post Qualification Salary Age
    Research Positions in Grade-B 04 Ph.D. in areas of Economics or Finance form reputed universities is the minimum required educational qualification. The Bank will also look at those with interest and expertise in related areas in econometrics, computational and theoretical economics. High quality research potential and communication skills of international standards are essential. Rs.60770/- pm. The applicant should be below 34 years of age. In case of PWD candidates, age relaxation as per extant Government of India instructions, will be provided. RESERVE BANK OF INDIA SERVICES BOARD, MUMBAI Advt. No. 4A /2015-16 2 Upper age is relaxable by- (a) Three years in the case of OBC candidates as one post is reserved for them. (b) Five years in the case of: i) Ex-employees of banking institutions whose services had to be terminated for reasons of economy or as a result of bank going into liquidation and personnel retrenched from Government Offices after at least one year’s service and currently registered with Employment Exchange, ii) Ex-servicemen (including Emergency Commissioned Officers/Short Service Commissioned Officers) provided applicants have rendered at least five years continuous Military Service and have been released on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within one year) otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency or on account of physical disability or have been released on account of physical disability attributable to Military Service or on invalidment, iii) Emergency Commissioned Officers/Short Service Commissioned Officers who have completed their initial period of assignment of five years of Military Service but whose assignment has been extended beyond five years and in whose case the Ministry of Defence issues certificates that they would be released on selection within three months from the date of receipt of offer of appointment, iv) Candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in Kashmir Division of the State of Jammu and Kashmir between 1st January, 1980 and 31st December, 1989. (c) 10 years for PWD (GEN); 13 years for PWD (OBC) candidates. (d) For eligible staff candidates the relaxation in age limit is according to RBI circular CO. HRMD. No. G-75/ 5599/ 05.01.01/ 2013-2014 dated December 20, 2013.
    Selection Procedure for Reserve Bank of India (RBI) – Research Positions in Grade-B Post:
    1. Candidates can apply on or before 25/12/2015.
    2. Final selection will be through interview only. A preliminary screening of the applications will be carried out for making, if necessary, a short-list of eligible candidates to be called for the interview. Hence, merely fulfilling the minimum requirements laid down for the post would not automatically entitle any candidate for interview. The place and date of interview will be advised to the short-listed candidates in due course.

    How to apply for Research Positions in Grade-B Vacancy in Reserve Bank of India (RBI) :
    1. The candidates applying for the post must submit their application by e-mail or by post to “The General Manager, Reserve Bank of India Services Board, Third Floor, RBI Building, Opp. Mumbai Central Railway Station, Byculla, Mumbai – 400008” in the prescribed format (as given below in this advertisement).
    2. The recent photograph is to be pasted at the appropriate place and application should be signed by the candidate. Incomplete and illegible applications will be rejected.
    3. The subject mentioned in the e-mail / cover containing the application should be super scribedwith the name of the post applied for i.e. ‘APPLICATION FOR RESEARCH POSITIONS IN GRADE-B IN DEPR, RBI’.
    4. The following documents should be submitted along with the application: (a) Proof of age (copy of passing Secondary/High School/10th standard Certificate or Higher Secondary School /12th Standard Certificate mentioning the DoB, passport, etc.) (b) Copy of Certificate of acquiring Ph. D. in Economics or Finance. (c) CV, Details of Research work, links to published and unpublished research work and names of three academic scholars to serve as references. (d) OBC candidates have to submit a latest OBC certificate issued on or after December 1, 2014. (e) PWD candidates should submit a latest certificate to this effect issued by an authorized Government of India/ State Government Department/ Hospital. The application, enclosing all prescribed documents should reach the Board’s Office by post or by e-mail by December 25, 2015. The Board takes no responsibility for any delay in receipt of Application/s or loss thereof in postal transit. NOTE: Corrigendum and further announcement, if any, will be published only on Bank’s website


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